I maybe on my own here but I'm quite excited about the changing of seasons. I do like Summer and Spring but feel more alive in Autumn and Winter. I did think that it was because I was a Winter baby but a straw poll of friends soon put pay to that idea. The dark, cosy nights are lovely, especially when you're tucked up in bed or alternatively go outside if you want to blow a few cobwebs away while it's windy. Being in the middle of the North Sea Storms can get quite ferocious here so it's also take everything that's in the garden and weight it down or put it in the shed time. I remember when I was living south and there were stormy winds. I was in the middle of making tea and wondered what that flash of white was. It turned out to be the neighbours Gazebo going flying.
Speaking of flying another thing I'm getting excited about is Doctor Who. I do like Capaldi as The Doctor and it surprised me how little time that it took for me to get into him as The Doctor. No! Not like that, well maybe a bit like that. *blushes* Ahem, anyway, who exactly is Missy? And when did she "choose" Clara? Was it all along? Did she do it knowing that Clara would jump into the Doctor's timeline? Lots of questions and just hope that Steven Moffat answers all of them. I'm also sad that there is only 3 more episodes to go of this series.
You may want to log off now as I'm about to speak about my health and it could get a bit boring. The repeat blood pressure went well. At the beginning it was 139/91 but they took a 2nd reading and it was down to 114/82 so one less thing off my mind. M.E. wise things have flared a bit but that is due to female related stuff. I was supposed to be heading out tonight but didn't have enough energy to go and also know this means that there will be no Shoppers Bus for me tomorrow as I need to reserve energy for Health Centre appointment on Wednesday and I find it really difficult to go out two days on the trot.
That's me signing off for now. Take care folks.